Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cooking Hack: How to avoid putting too much rub on your meat

So the title may sound silly if you have a dirty mind like me, but I'm a frequent user of McCormick's Grill Mates Sweet and Smokey Rub.  I put it on pork chops and chicken and it is delicious.

I found this problem when putting the rub onto these meats though: if you take the seal completely off and use your fingers to sprinkle the rub onto the meat, the rub sticks to your hands and if you accidentally touch the meat, you have to wash your hands to avoid contaminating the rest of the rub.  No matter how well you dry your hands, they'll still be moist (I hate the word) and even more of the rub will stick to your fingers.

The other option is to peel the seal off the top of the rub and try to gently shake the rub onto the meat.  Even if you just peel a little bit of the seal off, you still risk over pouring and having way too much of the rub on one area of the meat. *sigh*

Today, I came up with a clever way to evenly distribute the rub without having it stick to your fingers  USE A FORK TO POKE HOLES IN THE TOP OF THE SEAL AND THEN SHAKE THE RUB CONTAINER LIKE A SALT SHAKER.  Genius!

This really does work to get an even layer of the rub on your meat and leaves your hands clean.  It does make it a little difficult to shut the container, but in my opinion, it's totally worth it.

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